We are here to help you expand your business. As a rule of thumb, out of 100 invitations expect around 20 to 25 people. The demonstrations should take place in a large room with everyone watching the results of the demos. With the face machines you ONLY do one side of the face and you always take a before and an after picture of the entire face as well as the treated side. With the body machines you ONLY do the abdomen for 17 minutes and you always take before and after measurements. Stats show a return of investment in 2-3 open houses and a significantly increase of your business income after 3-4 open houses. The chart shows that 3 Open houses should bring in an average of 49 packages that can range from $1000 to $5000 per package
我们在此帮助您拓展您的业务!我们随时向您提供本产品的宣传营销技巧并协助您顺利举办开放体验活动,这不但帮助你获得更多新的客户,并随之获得更多的外界推荐。经验所得,在发出100封邀请信下,通常会有20至25人赴约; 体验活动需在一个大会议室或展会厅进行,所有出席嘉宾的注意力需集中在体验最终所带来的疗效上。
对于脸部抗衰老仪器,你只需在体验者的一边脸上做试验并拍下体验者整个脸部及体验局部的 体验前”和“体验后”的照片作对比。而对于身体减肥塑身仪器,你只需在体验者的腹部做17分钟的试验,并拍下“体验前”和“体验后”的度量尺寸照片作对比。统计显示在2-3个开放体验活动后您的投资将得到回报,在3-4个体验活动后您的营业额将有显著增长。图表显示在3个体验活动后你将平均收获49个客户对疗程的肯定和购买,而每个疗程平均在$1000至$5000美元范围内。