Arasys next generation technology, the Arasys Genius was just launched in the world, upgraded, more effective and comfortable. 3,744 Health Clubs around the world use the Arasys and 2,375 doctors. 630 VIPs including famous actors and singers have bought the Arasys for personal use. Unfortunatelly we do not have written concent to reveal their names. What Makes the Arasys Unique? The signature signal that Gerry Pollock, the co-inventor of the first Pacemaker developed out of 1500 unlimited resolution signals compacted into four programs. Gerry Pollock's signature signal is a very different thing than the raw stimulation of other devices, it is a communication signal, a language that makes the experience comfortable and unique. Arasys comes with all accessories and life warranty on all parts
Arasys Genius -是用作身体及脸部调理的仪器。被英国及美国媒体追捧的神奇且唯一真正有效的新版本英国流利美容塑身技术,升级后功能更强大但使用者感觉更温和及舒服。专门用作身体调理及收紧肌肉、减少局部肥胖尺寸及降低脂肪。 Представляя данный Genius Arasys для тела и лица. По-новому версия популярной технологии Великобритании, который был рекламируется как в Великобритании и прессе США как чудо машины и единственная технология, которая действительно работает. Более мощный, но более гладкой и комфортно. Она специализируется на повышение тонуса и подтяжки, потеря ич и уменьшения целлюлита потери. 몸과 얼굴에 대한 Arasys Genius 를 소개합니다. 기적의 기계로 선전 된 인기 UK 기술의 새로운 버전. Arasys Genius 은 더 강력하고 더 부드럽고 편안합니다. Arasys Genius 은 바디 토닝과 강화, 인치 손실 및 셀룰 라이트 감소를 전문으로합니다..