8,500 doctors around the world and 1,870 VIPs including famous actors, singers and politicians, own the Perfector. Perfector was built on the basis of complex waveforms developed in London University. It is presently manufactured in the UK with first grade components by UK's top electronic technicians and carries the CE mark. Perfector has been constantly upgraded on the basis of the evolving field of molecular science and electronics. In 2006, we added four nanocurrent programs. Today, all PErfector programs are nanocurrent. Perfector’s proprietary programs were built with meticulous attention to detail in an effort to create an artificial language that
will not invade or disturb the body's harmonious functioning.
The body has a choice to accept or receive signals. Generally speaking, incoming signals that cause disharmony are eliminated. Computer technology has been very successful in the arena of digital language but to our knowledge, it is only the Perfector software that have developed such a sophisticated digital language via the device's waveform formation. Perfector’s digital language has been refined by its high definition signal.
Its Londong University developers have managed to minimize noise while utilizing compact clearly delineated, “high definition” waveforms and constant current. We are invested in offering treatments that are relaxing, comfortable and painless, with no down time.
纳米 Perfector Plus 的规格、高清信号及其配件已升级。所有新的程序均把微电流升级为纳米电流( 十亿分之一安培)。
Perfector 3频道和15频道多次成就完美体现效率的故事,并现场展示了其令人印象深刻的疗效。Perfector Plus是经过多年研究和发展所得出的成果,它原于伦敦大学的设计,伦敦大学的研究团队用它来研究细胞再生,随后本公司基于他们的最新研究发现,重新让伦敦大学的科学家们对Perfector的波形进行升级,由此产生由Dr.Weiss领导的专注于生物系统的两个主要共同点的研究小组。血液和细胞生物电学动作电位 - 血液是 人体最不可缺少的营养组成单元,生物电则是源于原子和分子相互作用而出现的动态能量。Dr.Weiss团队的研究仍在继续,它们的重点仍放在整个系统的不断升级上 - 就有关空间组织,在组成生物互相作用的理伦上对复杂的电子信号进行解码。 针对个人生活方式的不同,度身订制的现场培训将安排至每个客户。
独特包装:Perfector包装在一个独特设计的精美包装箱里,随机包含:相关连接导线、美容导入探头、绝缘手套、说明书、咨询表格、宣传材料、产品信息预览DVD、培训DVD和电源线。有限保修:所有Perfector的零件终身保修,但不包含相关运费及人工费。详情参看销售合周的保修细节。所有Perfector的销售都是最终的,无退货、无交换及无退款。产品的升级不属于交换, 不属于此条款。 此条款由2002年9月2日生效。