iELLIOS is about Youth, Health, Freshness, Radiance in a context of luxurious relaxing comfort.
IELLIOS IMPERIAL INTERNATIONAL COMPACT LAPTOP IS COMING OUT IN APRIL 2014. This new advanced computerized unlimited resolution signal technology is expected to give you significantly better results. Device will be light weight, portable and MULTILINGUAL. See the new IELLIOS Imperial operning screens below (the second screen comes in many different languages but only the Chinese screen is displayed below as a sample)
IELLIOS rejuvenation makes you look naturally beautiful. Botox and Fillers cannot make up for the lost freshness of Youth. Wrinkles go away with Botox and fillers but you still look your age. Youth is not theabsence of wrinkles and sagging muscles. Young people can have wrinkles but the don't look aged. You need to understand Youth is a Gestalt -- the whoke is more than the sum of its parts.
Beauty is also Gestalt. That is why there is no rules for beauty, A face can look beautiful whether or not it is symmetrical or whether or not it is composed by beutiful feature. Barbara Streisand with her signature nose and Madona with her signature teeth are perfect examples. Beayty and Youth are dynamic wholes with not only scientifically unidentified parts but a scientifically unindentified process of adding the parts and getting a whole with characteristics that are not seen in the parts that compose it. Beauty and Youth are the results of dynamic Cellular Communications emerging out of a multiplicity of singaling interactions of neurons, cells and the proteins within them. Beauty and Youth are the results of a vast choreography of signals that start and end whatever is necessary for the body to function. The body's whole functioning is based on signaling frequencies that the body emits. These signals guide overall functioning and biological balance, otherwise, the body would randomly produce proteins it does not need neglecting the necessary ones. These signals are the basis of biological organization and systemic balance. Years of international research from several prestigeous universities has focused on the entire system, decoding the complex cellular and protein signals that map biological interactions with respect to spatial organization. Biological signals are analyzed in terms of their frequency, interactions, orientation, spatial organization. More research is invested in complex signaling communications intertwined to orchestrate a Gestalt waveform built on the basis of information attained from observations of biological interactions and the secrets of the nuclear architecture of life – a process similar to that done in Pollock’s lab (1990-2010). This Gestalt signal can act as a communications diplomat to awaken processes that have diminished with aging. The body has engogenous time reversal mechanisms. The body has endogenous systems to repair itself. The body has all the mechanisms it needs to sustain Youth. But the signals that start and stop these processes fade away and need to be replaced to slow down the downward process into aging.